Silver Sponsor at MULCOPIM 2022

Silver Sponsor at MULCOPIM 2022

RF Microtech is Silver Sponsor at MULCOPIM 2022. It will participate in the International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation (MULCOPIM), in Valencia from 19-21 October 2022. About the event Since 1993, the MULCOPIM workshop is intended to be...
RF Microtech at 17th Ilan Ramon International Space conference

RF Microtech at 17th Ilan Ramon International Space conference

RF Microtech will attend the 17th edition of the Ilan Ramon Space Conference, which will be held online on 25 January, at the invitation of the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the State of Israel. The conference is organized by the Israel Space Agency (ISA) and it...


“Substrate Embedded FILters for on-board microwave equipment” The project called SEFIL ‘Substrate Embedded FILters for on-board microwave equipment’ is related to the ARTES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, ITT AO10672 (5C.434) for the development and test of new...
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