Silver Sponsor at MULCOPIM 2022

Silver Sponsor at MULCOPIM 2022

RF Microtech is Silver Sponsor at MULCOPIM 2022. It will participate in the International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation (MULCOPIM), in Valencia from 19-21 October 2022. About the event Since 1993, the MULCOPIM workshop is intended to be...
Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace Applications

Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace Applications

On the 13th January 2020 the Workshop on “Additive manufacturing in aerospace applications” will be held in Terni, at Confindustria Umbria premises. Experts from institutional, research and industrial world will argue about the topic. They will discuss on the positive...
New Space Economy: a big opportunity for Italy

New Space Economy: a big opportunity for Italy

On the 10th October the first Workshop on “New Space Economy” will be held in Foligno. Experts from institutional, research and industrial world will argue about the topic. They will discuss on the positive impact that the space economy has already had on our Country...
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