Antennas and Phased Arrays

Terrestrial and Space Communications, SatCom on the Move and Imaging Applications
RF Microtech has a deep expertize in the design and manufacturing of several type of antennas, ranging from conventional ones (patches, dipoles, waveguide horns, reflectors), to more advanced technology like electronic beam-scanning phased arrays, transmit- and reflect-arrays. All the design flow and the sub-elements of the antennas are internally handled: beam-forming networks (including multi-beam such as Blass / Nolan / Butler Matrices, Rotman lenses), amplifiers (LNAs and PAs), couplers and distribution networks, phase-shifters.

RF Microtech is capable to assist its customers in every step of original design development: from solution definition to sub-component design, from prototyping to production.

Typical applications of our solutions are: satellite communications (both ground and space segments), terrestrial base-station, point to point or point to multi-point links, avionics and defence.

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