RF Microtech is pleased to take part in the second edition of the SPACE MEETINGS VENETO event.
The International conference and business meetings dedicated to the Space Industry will be held in Venice, May 20-22 and it will provide an important opportunity to present our latest innovations and space products.
Come and visit us at our booth!
RF Microtech’s ongoing commitment is to provide innovative, high-quality and reliable solutions for the increasingly complex needs of the space industry.
In Venice we will bring our latest prototypes of X band antennas and miniaturized K band filters, ready to fly in IRIDE and LEO-PNT Orbit demonstrator.
We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth, for in-depth discussion on RF technologies and to explore possibilities for collaboration.
Don’t hesitate to schedule a BtoB with our staff or contact us. For more information about RF Microtech and our space products, please visit our website page.
About Space Meetings Veneto
Space Meetings Veneto 2024 is a prestigious international event dedicated to the issues of Space economy and Innovation.
The three intense days event will be punctuated by lectures, interactive workshops, relevant presentations and B2B meetings that promise to be crucial to the connective net of the space landscape.
Space Meetings Veneto 2024 will be held May 20-22 at Terminal 103 | Venice Terminal Passengers S.p.A | Marittima Fabbricato 248 – 30135 Venice
La partecipazione alla fiera è stata realizzata anche grazie al contributo:
PR – FESR 2021-2027 Priorità 1 – OS 1.3 – Azione 1.3.2 – Sostegno all’internazionalizzazione delle PMI avviso pubblico per la presentazione di progetti di internazionalizzazione delle PMI mediante la partecipazione a fiere internazionali che si svolgono dal 01/05/2024 al 31/03/2025
Participation in the fair was also made possible thanks to the contribution:
PR – ERDF 2021-2027 – Priority 1 – OS 1.3 – Action 1.3.2 – Support for the internationalization of SMEs – Public notice for the presentation of internationalization projects of SMEs through participation in international fairs which they take place from 1st may 2024 to 31st march 2025
Progetto realizzato grazie ai fondi europei della regione Umbria
Project implemented thanks to European funds from the Umbria region