20èmes Journées Nationales Micro-Ondes

20èmes Journées Nationales Micro-Ondes

The twentieth National Microwave Day, on the 16th-19th  May 2017 in Saint- Malo Registration Deadline on the 5ft May 2017 The National Microwave Day takes place every two years, gathering the French community of microwave, working on a wide range of fields, from...
RF Microtech Develops Complex UWB Filter In Record Time

RF Microtech Develops Complex UWB Filter In Record Time

Another success story for RF Microtech. A great achievement for the company, whose outcomes in projecting Complex UWB Filter have been published by AWRCORP, but also exalted on the Microwave Journal (see the links below) The Design Challenge Expo Milano 2015 was a...
Switched Filter Bank

Switched Filter Bank

The design of the four-channel switched filter bank  in the S- and C-band using p-i-n-diode switches is described in a paper published in the October issue of IEEE-MTT Transactions. The paper by F. Gentili, L. Urbani, G. Bianchi, L. Pelliccia, R. Sorrentino is...
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