“Metamaterial based, radio frequency and millimetre wave phase shifters for future generation phased array antenna applications”   H2020 EIC  FETPROACT project to start a dedicated pilot line of innovative transceiver RF-power modules for mass...
2020 IEEE Radar Conference

2020 IEEE Radar Conference

It is started today the 2020 edition of the IEEE Radar Conference, the World’s most comprehensive technical conference focused on radar techniques and applications, featuring World-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and demo sessions. In light of the global...
ESA Industry Space Days

ESA Industry Space Days

Tomorrow it will start the Industry Space Days, the biannual event organized by ESA SME Office to foster cooperation between different actors in the entire space sector. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, for the first time the event has moved from ESA/ESTEC to a...


”HAngar reaL time Localization & TRACKing system’’ Industry 4.0 project for the development of a totally innovative localization and tracking system for indoor and outdoor applications. The project has been selected and funded by the Competence Center CIM4.0...
A new real time indoor TRACKing system for Industry 4.0

A new real time indoor TRACKing system for Industry 4.0

On 3 September 2020, the RF Microtech project called HALLTRACK officially started: “HAngar reaL time TRACKing & tracing system” to monitor forklifts and goods in indoor and outdoor areas. HALLTRACK: how it works and what are the advantages The project meets all...
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