RF Microtech member of Access Space

RF Microtech member of Access Space

RF MICROTECH officially joined Access Space as a Star Gazer Member! ABOUT ACCESS SPACE Access Space is a non-profit association that supports and brings together the Small Satellite Industry and stakeholders in Europe and beyond. Its actions and mission are dedicated...
LOWSAT: new SatCom antenna dedicated to commercial communication systems


Low-Profile Phased Array Antenna for Professional Satellite Communications ESA Artes C&G project for the development of low cost, low-profile Ku-band scanning antennas for Satellite Communications On The Move, dedicated to commercial applications like passenger...


“Planar broadband Input COmpact Multiplexers for multibeam 20/30GHz applications” The project called PICOM ‘Planar broadband Input COmpact Multiplexers for multibeam 20/30GHz applications’ is related to the ARTES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY ITT...
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