”HAngar reaL time Localization & TRACKing system’’ Industry 4.0 project for the development of a totally innovative localization and tracking system for indoor and outdoor applications. The project has been selected and funded by the Competence Center CIM4.0...
Metamaterial Antennas for Satellite IoT Market

Metamaterial Antennas for Satellite IoT Market

“METIoT – Full Duplex Steerable Antenna for Mass Market Interactive Terminals” is the full title of the latest RF Microtech project approved by the European Space Agency. The project objective is the development and experimental verification of a...


”Full Duplex Steerable Antenna for Mass Market Interactive Terminals’’ ESA project for the development and space assessment of low cost fully steerable Ku band antenna for SATCom and S-IoT applications (ESA Artes Advanced Technology, Contract AO/1-9744/19/UK/ND)...
RF Microtech: a new H2020 project on NANO components

RF Microtech: a new H2020 project on NANO components

NanoPoly – “Artificial permittivity and permeability engineering for future generation sub wavelength analogue integrated circuits and systems” – is the title of the latest RF Microtech project approved by the EU commission. NanoPoly aims at addressing in...
A new H2020 project for next generation wireless systems

A new H2020 project for next generation wireless systems

Starting from January 2019, RF Microtech is involved in a new H2020 project called NANOSMART – NANO components for electronic SMART wireless systems. Led by Thales SAS (France), the project will be conducted in collaboration with ten of the most advanced...
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