National Catalogue of the Italian Space Industry, edition 2020
The Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the Italian Trade & Investment Agency (ICE), in collaboration with the National Association AIAD, AIPAD and ASAS, published the forth edition of the «National Catalogue of the Italian Space Industry» for the year 2020. 144...
“COMpact broadband FIlters at C and Ku band based on Dielectric materials” ESA project for the development and space assessment of miniaturised C and Ku RF filters based on dielectric materials (ESA Artes Advanced Technology, Contract 4000129893/20/NL/NR)....
”Full Duplex Steerable Antenna for Mass Market Interactive Terminals’’ ESA project for the development and space assessment of low cost fully steerable Ku band antenna for SATCom and S-IoT applications (ESA Artes Advanced Technology, Contract AO/1-9744/19/UK/ND)...