‘Dielectric-loaded high-power Output de-MUltiplexer at Ku/ka-band’
ESA project for the development and space assessment of novel on-board Ku/Ka band output de-multiplexers (ODEMUX) for space communications.
The objective of the project is to develop 250 W-class, Ku-band and Ka-band ODEMUXs with 240-250 MHz channel bandwidth. One of the main goals is to achieve at least 30% footprint reduction in comparison to the state-of-the-art (dual-mode cavity filters). The core of the activity is the use of high-Q ceramic resonators to minimize volume occupation and temperature sensitivity to temperature. Engineering Models will be designed, manufactured and experimentally tested even including an extensive high-power test campaign.
TRL Level
Target is 6
Some breadboards of Ku-band and Ka-band channel filters for next generation on-board ODEMUXs have been designed, manufactured and tested.
They are based on ceramic-loaded cavity resonators. High-performance ceramic materials allow for high-compactness (up to 50% volume reduction), very low insertion loss (unloaded Q> 5000) and very stable response over temperature and at high RF input power conditions.
Experimental validation of the breadboards at high-power conditions have been performed at ESA-VSC lab in Valencia: very promising results have been achieved both at Ku and Ka band frequencies.
ESA approved the intermediate results at the end of phase 1 and allowed RF Microtech to start phase 2 of the project.
Two-channel ODEMUX engineering model at Ku and Ka-band frequencies has been implemented and validated.
RF Microtech S.r.l. Italy – PRIME CONTRACTOR
Department of Engineering, University of Perugia