ESA Industry Space Days

ESA Industry Space Days

Tomorrow it will start the Industry Space Days, the biannual event organized by ESA SME Office to foster cooperation between different actors in the entire space sector. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, for the first time the event has moved from ESA/ESTEC to a...
A new real time indoor TRACKing system for Industry 4.0

A new real time indoor TRACKing system for Industry 4.0

On 3 September 2020, the RF Microtech project called HALLTRACK officially started: “HAngar reaL time TRACKing & tracing system” to monitor forklifts and goods in indoor and outdoor areas. HALLTRACK: how it works and what are the advantages The project meets all...
National Catalogue of the Italian Space Industry, edition 2020

National Catalogue of the Italian Space Industry, edition 2020

The Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the Italian Trade & Investment Agency (ICE), in collaboration with the National Association AIAD, AIPAD and ASAS, published the forth edition of the «National Catalogue of the Italian Space Industry» for the year 2020.   144...
New dates for the EuMW

New dates for the EuMW

In light of the global pandemic, European Microwave Week (EuMW) organizers have decided to reschedule the event to 10-15 January 2021. The world-class event will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, and will encompass the 50th European Microwave Conference, the 15th...
POR FESR Umbria 2014‐2020 Az.3.7.1 Anno 2019

POR FESR Umbria 2014‐2020 Az.3.7.1 Anno 2019

POR FESR 2014-2020 Azione 3.7.1,  Innovazione Digitale nelle micro e piccole imprese – Anno 2019 On 20/04/2020 the Company RF Microtech obtained a grant from Regione Umbria for the purchase and implementation of a Software for the optimization of the test phase...
Prof. Roberto Sorrentino

Prof. Roberto Sorrentino

It is with our great sorrow to inform you that Professor Roberto Sorrentino, our Founder and President passed away on March 3rd, 2020. His dedication to work, honesty and integrity will always be a guide for us. We’ll do our best to follow his example and keep on...
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