On 13th June, in Perugia, it took place the bilateral meeting between RF Microtech and the European Space Agency (ESA), with the participation of the ESA’s top management Dietmar Schmitt, Head of Technologies and Products Division, Domenico Mignolo, Head of Ground and User Segment Technologies & Products Section and Fabrizio De Paolis, Ground Segment Engineer in Telecommunications and Integrated Applications.
As a matter of fact, since its foundation, RF Microtech collaborates with ESA in the framework of the ARTES Advanced Technology Program (formerly named ARTES Element 5 sub-element 5.1), which is the Agency’s main program for preparatory development of satellite communications. RF Microtech has accomplished several research projects which allowed the company to develop innovating electronic components for space applications, in particular in the field of mobile satellite antennas, filters and radio frequency circuits for space applications.
This meeting represents a clear recognition of RF Microtech as a “Success Story” during these years of productive cooperation with ESA, to whom RF Microtech is extremely grateful for the significant and reliable support offered by ESA.

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