Paris Space Week 2015

Paris Space Week 2015

RF Microtech will exhibit at the 2015 PARIS SPACE WEEK, which will be held at the Paris-Orly Airport the 4th and 5th of February 2015. The aim of PARIS SPACE WEEK is to allow worldwide stakeholders from the Space industry to meet and exchange ideas through more than...
EuMW 2015 CfP

EuMW 2015 CfP

EuMW 2015 will be held in the extraordinary and beautiful ‘City of Light’ of Paris. Bringing industry, academia and commerce together, European Microwave Week 2015 is a SIX day event, including THREE cutting edge conferences and ONE exciting trade and technology...
IMS 2015 CFP

IMS 2015 CFP

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society’s 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS2015) will be held 17 – 22 May 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona as the centerpiece of Microwave Week 2015, which has several conferences that are co-located at the Phoenix...
Switched Filter Bank

Switched Filter Bank

The design of the four-channel switched filter bank  in the S- and C-band using p-i-n-diode switches is described in a paper published in the October issue of IEEE-MTT Transactions. The paper by F. Gentili, L. Urbani, G. Bianchi, L. Pelliccia, R. Sorrentino is...
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference

Asia Pacific Microwave Conference

The upcoming Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2014 will be held on November 4-7, 2014 at Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan. RF Microtech, in cooperation with the University of Perugia, will present an application of resonant cavity sensors to the real...
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