Microwave and RF Engineering – Chinese Edition

Microwave and RF Engineering – Chinese Edition

The book by R. Sorrentino (RF Microtech’s co-founder) and G. Bianchi Microwave and RF Engineering (edited by Wiley) has now been translated in Chinese. This outstanding book is an essential text for both students and professionals, combining detailed theory with...
EuMW 2015 Career Platform

EuMW 2015 Career Platform

EuMW 2015 continues the “Career Platform” initiative launched in 2013 in Nuremberg, to foster the dynamic between young researchers, engineers and the job market in the field of microwaves. A dedicated area will be reserved to foster sharing and exchange. Special...
EuMW 2015 Career Platform

RF Microtech at EuMW 2015

RF Microtech will exhibit in EuMW2015, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, September 8th-10th 2015, booth n° 218. Bringing industry, academia and commerce together, European Microwave Week 2015 is a SIX day event, including THREE cutting edge conferences and ONE...
AWR Design Forum

AWR Design Forum

The design of the UWB Filter (80 MHz to 6 GHz) With Five Embedded High-Rejection Notched Bands will be presented by RF Microtech at the AWR Design Forum – User Group Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, 9 September 2015, at EuMW, Palais des Congrès, Paris,...
A piece of RF Microtech at EXPO 2015

A piece of RF Microtech at EXPO 2015

RF Microtech has realized an innovative and high-performance ultra-wide band filter for H3G Spa and MiSE (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico of Italy). The custom device has been developed for the wireless network at EXPO2015  in Milan and it has been installed on...
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