Grand Opening

Grand Opening

RF Microtech will inaugurate the new operating offices in via L. Maccheroni, Perugia at the presence of the President of Umbria Region  C. Marini, the Dean of the University of Perugia F. Moriconi and the President of Umbria Aerospace Cluster A. Alunni. The ceremony,...
SPCD 2016

SPCD 2016

The 2nd edition of the International Symposium  Space Passive Component Days (SPCD), organized by the European Space Agency (ESA), the French National Space Center (CNES), the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the European Space Components Coordination (ESCC), will be...
EuMW 2016

EuMW 2016

EuMW 2016 will be held in the dynamic and historically rich city of London, ExCel Conference Center, 3-7 October 2016. Bringing industry and academia together, European Microwave Week 2016 is a FIVE day event, including THREE cutting edge conferences and ONE exciting...
Take A Breath 2016

Take A Breath 2016

The fourth edition of Take A Breath, the Workshop created by Loccioni Group to share views and visions of future mobility and automotive industry, is being held in Loccioni Headquarters, Angeli di Rosora (AN) on September 19th-20th 2016. This year edition is focused...


Satellite connectivity is the key to building new economies in remote and developing regions around the world. If people have that basic connectivity, it becomes the first step to creating job markets and independent, thriving communities. SATELLITE is the conduit for...
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